Acebook Social media clone


Github repo
This was our second 2-week group project at Makers to design a clone of a well know social media platform. Our MVP was a site where a user could sign up, then log in and add posts to their wall, which they could edit and delete as well as view other user's posts. Below is an image of the wall.

The app was built using Ruby on Rails, which made the whole Model, View, Controller pattern really easy to set up and work with. Rails made the Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) functionality a breeze.

On the Monday of our second week we were given the urgent, drop all other features until this feature is done, feature of user's ability to add albums to their profile. For this we needed a profile page linked to each user by ID and then to decide whether to use a Ruby gem or Active Storage to achieve this.

We decided on active storage to add multiple images at once and using custom queries we were also able to allow a usrr to choose a given image to set as their profile picture.